Stainless Steel Dip Pot 7.6cm x 2.5cm (4oz)
Case Quantity: 6 Pieces
Product code: F92100
per case
price per piece
Think outside the box with your serve! Rather than a plate or bowl choose a Stainless Steel Pan, Bowl or Ramekin for a side serve to liven up your presentation.
Product Care
Cared for correctly, stainless steel is a fantastic metal that can provide years of regular service and offers excellent value. All of the stainless steel products within our ranges are of the highest standard and should be free from any impurities that could be of detriment to its performance. Stainless steel is often described as rustless or rust resistant which whilst having an element of truth, will only be the case if it is cared for correctly, including the use of our Peek Polish products. All of our stainless steel products are dishwasher safe, unless otherwise identified, and should not be left to soak prior to washing.